Insights into these Shoes' Soul

Welcome to our blog! You'll get glimpses into the fabric of our lives... find out what is happening in our family, get updates on our ministry, see what makes us smile, and hear what makes us tick. We hope these insights into our souls will make you smile, keep you informed and challenge you to pray for us.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dan unpacked his suitcase

After the Board meetings Dan spent a week in Texas.  He was able to present the Sister Church Program to churches in Waco and Fredricksberg.  He also had an evening with 2 current Sister Churches in Austin.  RMI's Director of Development, Kent Commons, was with Dan on part of this trip.  It was a good trip.  Pray for these 2 new contacts.  The pastors were very interested in the uniqueness and depth of the program - and the fact that it could minister not only to Haitian brothers and sisters but to their own people.  We'd love to have them join the Sister Church Program!

And now he has unpacked his suitcases for a few weeks.  It's great to have him home!  In the last 3 weeks we've had Thanksgiving, a garage sale, lots of volleyball, the Board meetings, this trip to Texas, other RMI meetings -- a lot of stuff crammed into that time, so we are looking forward to having a Christmas break.  We're behind in decorating for the holidays, cooking backing and shopping!

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