Insights into these Shoes' Soul

Welcome to our blog! You'll get glimpses into the fabric of our lives... find out what is happening in our family, get updates on our ministry, see what makes us smile, and hear what makes us tick. We hope these insights into our souls will make you smile, keep you informed and challenge you to pray for us.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Duke goes walkabout

We've all had adjustments to life in the U.S., even our pets! Duke's adjustment has been in the area of being contained in one yard, not having the freedom to run the whole neighborhood, visit all his dog buddies, etc. He went on one particular walkabout that has had everyone laughing:

One night in January 2007, Duke (a black lab mix), escaped from the cable that had him tied to a tree in our backyard. (We didn’t have a fence then but we sure do now!) We looked in vain for him. An hour later, the doorbell rang. A uniformed Lee County Animal Services officer asked us if we’d lost a dog then after some discussion, she said, “Well, it seems that I have him in my van!” She said that he had been caught INSIDE WALMART, RUNNING UP AND DOWN THE GROCERY AISLES! Yes, he’d run across the busiest east/west road in the county (did he wait for a red light to cross?), through the crowded parking lot and right into the grocery side of Wal-Mart and was having the greatest time running up and down the aisles. An employee finally caught him and Animal Services was called. She thought it was funny that Duke went shopping for his own food and didn’t give us a ticket!

He is pictured here with his best friend, Devon.

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