Insights into these Shoes' Soul

Welcome to our blog! You'll get glimpses into the fabric of our lives... find out what is happening in our family, get updates on our ministry, see what makes us smile, and hear what makes us tick. We hope these insights into our souls will make you smile, keep you informed and challenge you to pray for us.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Birthday and an anniversary

Ok, we won't mention much about the birthday! We gals have to keep some mystery alive! Suffice it to say that I had a birthday on March 24.

Now, the more notable event. Our 25th wedding anniversary on March 26. How can it be? Where did the time go!? Things sure have changed since 1983!! God has been good to us...2 great kids, the years of ministry in Haiti and now here in the US. There's been sickness, there's been health, challenges, good times, hard times, accidents, times apart due to ministry requirements, political coups, the list could go on. But we know without any doubt that God knew who was best for each of us. Thanks for taking such good care of me and being a fantastic husband, Dan!! It's been a great 25 and I am looking forward to the next 25. :)
I love you, Deb

1 comment:

Mike Messerli said...

wow, what a great photo. congratulations to both of you!